My mother and I made these huge paper mache heads for my son's wedding reception.... he's a bit of a prankster and I knew this would be a real surprise for them.... the dancing heads arrived to dance to the song, JOY TO THE WORLD... worn by Aunt Beth (6') and her son, Max (6'4") these dancers were hard to miss!
They were inspired by Jane Filer's dancing monster heads... these are a lot of work... but worth it if you want to make something unique! I have photos of the "how to"... email me if you'd like them.
Original works of art by Jan Teaford
The masks had screen over the eye holes so people could not see who was wearing the huge heads

As you can see, I had a lot of toilet paper rolls and pop cans glued on to the bike helmet .. good thing I had clear vision of what I was going for.... this was much more labor intensive than I could have ever imagined.
Top of the mask done, ready to build the sides
Luke's mask done, ready to paint and add hair
Emily's mask almost done... still needs earrings!